Retain Your New Hires with Efficient Onboarding Process
Every business needs to hire new employees for different job positions over time. But do these newly hired employees stay long-term with the business? Yes and no. The businesses that have an excellent new employee onboarding program can retain their employees for longer. But if a business has a lousy or no such program, it makes it difficult to keep your new hires long-term. Now, if your business has been struggling with retaining your new hires, you would say that you have an excellent new employee orientation process. Isn’t that the same as onboarding? Well, the answer is no! Orientation is a part of the onboarding process. They are completely different processes and should not be used interchangeably. So, you might be wondering what onboarding is and why is it crucial to retain new hires? In this article, we will answer both these questions. What is onboarding? Onboarding is a strategic process that allows easy assimilation of a new employee in any business org...